16 Feb 12:00pm – 18 Feb 1:00pm 2016 NZDT
Te Wānanga o Raukawa, 144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki Beach, New Zealand Map
Resilience, fortitude, stamina and endurance. These have been the defining hallmarks of the Māori journey towards wellbeing and prosperity over successive decades, centuries and millennia. The Toi Tangata Hui-ā-Tau for 2016 draws inspiration from this theme and seeks to explore ways that contribute to the application of this kaupapa within contemporary Māori settings.
Over each of the three days a range of thought-provoking kōrero, interactive workshops and structured physical activities will be presented. Each of these contributions will challenge hui participants to consider the relevance and potential for the concept of Nukuroa to be applied across new and current initiatives that promote purposeful physical activity and optimal nutrition within Māori communities.
The venue for the Hui-ā-Tau 2016 is Ngā Purapura, Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki. The setting offers an opportunity to be immersed within a unique tikanga-Māori tertiary environment that has emerged as part of a collective iwi journey comprising Ngāti Raukawa Te Au ki Te Tonga, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Te Ātiawa.
Ngā Purapura was established by Te Wānanga o Raukawa in 2012 and represents a commitment to Māori wellbeing that is an integral part of a broader overarching vision to ensure the best possible outcomes for future generations of whānau, hapū and iwi.
The scene is set for an exciting, uplifting and inspirational Hui-ā-Tau 2016 that will challenge participants to consider how their respective communities might best flourish and prosper through new and innovative ways of promoting Māori physical activity and nutrition.
Nō reira e te iwi. Nau mai, haere mai koutou kia tū kotahi ai tātou katoa ki te Hui-ā-Tau mō Toi Tangata, 2016.
We have a number of workshop spaces available for those who would
like to share their ideas. If you would like to present your innovations to the sector, please visit our website. Information about the awards available are also on the website. Applications close Friday 15 January 2016.